Restoring the Ability to LOVE
The greatest OF LOVE is in GIVING.
Giving and not seeking any gain nor reward in return.
Giving by helping to end suppression and end oppression regardless to whom or what.
The giving to THE AID of your brother or your sister in a time of need.
The giving offering wisdom, encouragement, support, another viewpoint, and guidance.
The giving to help release their burdens from their pains, upsets, fears, anxieties, and losses is .
The giving of yourself to help propel someone forward for the advancement of us all is .
The giving by standing up and offering your life to help fight against all forms of injustice, suppression and oppression is .
The giving when feeding and clothing the poor is .
Lastly, there is no greater love than to give your life in defense or in protecting your mother, your children, a wife, or a sister when aggressed upon by an enemy that seeks to harm or places their life in physical danger.
"RESTORING the ability to love."
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