Have you ever wondered what is involved in the PROCESS to MASTER A THING, Subject, Skill, or Talent,?

 Have you ever wondered what is involved in the PROCESS to MASTER A THING, Subject, Skill, or Talent,? How many hours or how much discipline is necessarily needed to be a MASTER? What level of focus? What level of precision? What level of being on purpose? What level of passion? What level of belief or faith? What level of Support needed for the one who is on a path to MASTERING A THING, Subject, Skill, or Talent? To become a MASTER may require being ALONE a lot. For a period of time you have to put in the time necessary to MASTER that which you seek to MASTER. You must end all unnecessary distractions, tune or turn down noises and go to a space where it is just PEACE so that you can MASTER that which you want to MASTER. HOW WOULD GOD GO ABOUT THE MASTERY OF SELF, A THING, A SUBJECT, A SKILL, A TALENT? What level of LOVE is NECESSARY? What level of DEDICATION, HARD WORK, FOCUS, DRIVE, VISION IS NEEDED FOR ONE TO BE A MASTER? Understand that we each have the ability to MASTER what we focus our mind on. Are you willing to see yourself go through this process to be a MASTER? It may require less watching TV, less posts on social media, less chasing your habits, less being with friends, loved ones, your husband or your wife or your children. Are you willing to put in the time needed? Do you DESIRE or WANT that so bad of what you want to MASTER to see yourself get a PRODUCT or a SERVICE out of that which you are seeking to MASTER? HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? I pray Allah 🙏 that what ever you desire to MASTER that you do it with grace, humbleness, passion, LOVE, Love, LOVE, AND MORE LOVE for yourself, your family and your Nation to help us all RAISE the BAR to BECOME MASTERS in that which we seek to MASTER YOU ARE A MASTER! ~restoring the ability to 💘~ Love your Brother and Servant Kendrick Muhammad


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